You have up to 30 days to return
your parts (only ordered using
our Memory Configurator) for
full credit less shipping, NO we
don't charge a restocking fee,
we're not that cheap.
orders using our Memory Configurator will qualify for a
REFUND. Orders that are made
without using our Memory
Configurator will NOT be
qualified for a REFUND and will
be entitled for a store credit
or exchange.
There will be no exceptions to
this policy!
Orders above $500 are returnable
for exchange or store credit only no refund.
Shipping charges are not
refundable. Any returned product
must arrive in good condition at
our facility. Refunds will be
determined and based upon amount
of returned product and arrival
condition. We always reserve the
right to decide if a return is
valid or invalid.
Returns must be shipped via USPS
with tracking only. If you
return your product via a
faster, more expensive shipper,
you incur the expenses yourself
and any request for
reimbursement will be denied.
If you believe that the memory
you received is defective or
have compatibility issues and
your warranty has not expired,
you must first send an online
RMA request to obtain a RMA
number. RMA shipments received
MUST have the RMA number clearly
visible on outside of the
package and include copy of the
original order invoice, and a
copy of the RMA Request
Confirmation, without which the
package may be refused, unopened
and returned.
Ship the item(s) to:
7746 Lorraine ave #212
Stockton CA 95210
We always recommend you to use
our Memory Configurator or check
your computer manual before you
place an order to reduce
compatibility issue.